Most massage bathtubs, Kenmore, GE and Maytag electric and gas dryers use two thermostats-
Fixed adjustable.
These two types have three basic applications in the dryer
Operating or circulating thermostats, safety thermostats and cooling-
Lower thermostat.
Operate or ride a bicycle (bias)
The thermostat is used to control the air temperature in the dryer.
A fixed thermostat, several switches
The selected fixed thermostat or adjustable thermostat can be controlled.
These thermostats are located in the exhaust air flow of the dryer and the contract is usually turned off.
Contacts open as the temperature rises and control the current of the gas burner or electric burnerheat-
Component circuit.
In some applications, the timer operation is controlled using constant open contacts.
In order to prevent the temperature inside the dryer from being too high, a safety thermostat was used.
The dryer safety thermostat or hot fuse is always fixed or not fixedAdjustable type.
They are located in the strategic position of the burner area, heater element housing or fan
Roll the case according to the design of the dryer model.
If not all dryer applications, thermal fuses and safety thermostats have normally closed contacts that open the circuit and prevent current flow to the heat source in the event of certain faults or abnormally elevated temperatures.
Some early dryer safety thermostats used with some manual ignition burners usually-
Open the contacts that close and motivate the unlocked solenoid. Cool-
The lower thermostat is used to provide motor operation during cooling
Designed in many Whirlpool and Maytag dryers.
These thermostats usually have
Open contacts closed during the heat phase of the cycle.
At the end of this stage, the timer or relay contacts are opened and the dryer continues to operate without heat.
When the exhaust temperature drops to about 120F, the contact opens to end the cycle.
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