In the United States, the incidence of peanut allergy is rising.Let's take a look at the symptoms and causes of this situation, which is very common and dangerous.Peanut allergy is the result of an abnormal response from the immune system, which believes that peanut and peanut products are harmful to the body.In this case, the immune system produces antibodies and chemicals, including tissue Amine, that affect the skin, eyes, nose, airway, intestines, lungs and blood vessels.The severity of this allergic reaction may vary from person to person.While taking peanuts is the most common route of contact, some people can't stand the smell of peanuts that can trigger allergic reactions.Air particles that breathe in peanuts may also cause this reaction.Peanut allergies occur in childhood in most cases.As the child grows, some children may exceed this condition, but there is a chance of recurrence.Research shows that about 1% of the population in the United States is affected by the disease, which causes mild to severe symptoms.Usually, allergic reactions occur within a few minutes after contact with peanuts or peanut products.Symptoms can range from mild stomachache to allergic reactions, a lifeDangerous conditions that can lead to airway blockage, decreased blood pressure, and even heart failure.The most common symptoms are urticaria, also known as urticaria, which is characterized by dark red, bulges and itching on the skin.Swelling of lips, face and throat is also common.People affected may also suffer from allergic eczema.Peanut allergies can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.Other symptoms include tingling in the mouth and throat, sneezing, runny nose, chest tightness, shortness of breath and dizziness.The most serious symptoms are allergic reactions, which are characterized by difficulty breathing due to airway contraction and swelling of the throat;Low blood pressure, shock, fast pulse, unconscious.Patients need immediate adrenaline treatment.If not treated, the condition could lead to death within a few hours.When some people have mild to moderate symptoms, others have severe symptoms.In some cases, mild or moderate symptoms may become severe within a few hours.Asthma patients are more prone to severe symptoms of peanut allergy.The exact cause of peanut allergy is not clear.Some studies have linked this to genetics;As children with first-class relatives who have been found to have allergies are more likely to develop peanut allergies.This is also associated with exposure to peanuts during pregnancy and lactation.Soy products are considered to be the cause of peanut allergy;But further research has dismissed the claim.According to some health experts, delaying the introduction of peanuts and other foods may lead to allergies in children.Intake of peanut or peanut products, direct skin contact, or inhalation of dust with peanut powder or peanut oil spray.Is a common exposure path.If you are allergic to peanuts, it is possible for your child to develop the disease.Even if you are not allergic at the moment, there has been an episode of peanut allergy in your childhood, which is applicable.If the allergy test is positive, do it;Contact with peanuts and peanut products must be avoided.If you accidentally ingest peanuts or breathe in peanuts powder, please consult your health care provider as soon as possible.
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