The anchors are available in a wide variety of sizes, types and materials according to the requirements of industrial applications.Wedge anchors are one of the most well-known classification of the most complex concrete industrial applications used in arrays.The fastener is designed to secure long threads firmly in the concrete structure.Drill holes in dry and old concrete structures to insert anchors.After the fasteners are firmly placed, the fasteners expand so that they can be inserted into the fixture.Fasteners have different coating variants such as galvanized, stainless steel, etc.Use in the industry according to application requirements.Wedge anchors for different applications, such as fence post, logo, lamp post, shelf, electric tube, water pipe, fire sprinkler, exit sign, railing, flashing of roof, TV antenna, window, hose, TV, elevator, steps and so on.Before going deep inside, it is important to consider the dimensional accuracy including the length and thickness of the anchor.This is how you determine the thickness of it.Add the thickness of the material that is fastened using fasteners to the minimum amount of embedding.Don't forget to leave space for the nut and gasket in order to keep it in the fixture.Each anchor needs to be drilled into a hole in the concrete structure to be properly installed.When installing the nut, remember not to make the nut very tight.They have different types of steel and different plating.Select coating materials for different types of applications.Wedge anchor installation process :-The fastener consists of two separate parts that are permanently pre-tightenedAssembled into a single unit before installation.To install the fasteners in the right way, you should follow the following tips :-Before moving the installation process of the fastener, you should determine the correct length to ensure that the minimum embedding is met and it is installed seamlessly into the drill.Keep in mind that the washing machine to be used with the installation must be larger.Remove dust and debris using a brush, compressed air or vacuum for a perfect application.Next, place the gasket and nut on the anchor;Also tighten some turns.Insert the wedge anchor into the fixture hole and tighten it completely to ensure that the thread is below the surface
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